Publication Scheme under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires that every Parish Council must adopt and maintain a publication scheme setting out the types of information it will make available, how to obtain that information and what charge, if any, will be made for that information. The purpose of this publication scheme is to ensure that every Parish Council routinely make a significant amount of information available.

The scheme will ensure that Dilhorne Parish Council publish more information proactively, and help it to develop a greater culture of openness and transparency. Dilhorne Parish Council’s key responsibilities are to represent the electorate of its area, to take action within the legal framework and to provide a leadership focus for the community.

The scheme contains core classes that correspond with the main functions carried out by a Parish Council. To take account that some Parish Councils have developed additional responsibilities there are also a number of optional pieces of information within the core classes and a further three optional classes.

Dilhorne Parish Council will make the information available in any one of the following ways:

  • available for inspection on request from the person named as responsible for maintaining the scheme.
  • a hard copy of the information may be supplied on request from the clerk named as responsible for maintaining the scheme.
  • on a website

A reasonable charge will be made for providing a hard copy of any information requested, please see our Freedom of Information Act Compliance sheet by clicking the link below:
Click to download the Freedom of Information Act Compliance Sheet